To Remove or Neutralize Fentanyl

When deciding between chemical neutralization and chemical removal for a clandestine drug lab clean-up project, there are several factors to consider, including the type and concentration of the chemicals present, the potential risks to human health and the environment, and the regulatory requirements in your area.

Some products on the market simply remove dangerous chemicals.  This process involves using a product to physically remove the chemical from the environment, such as through filtration, absorption, or washing with soap and water to rinse down the drain.  While this may render the structure “safe” and produce post-swab readings below the state standard, what long term problems are created by rinsing these lethal chemicals down the drain?

Chemical neutralization involves chemically transforming the chemical into a less harmful form. Chemical neutralization can be less expensive than chemical removal and produces less hazardous waste.

Crystal Clean® is a decontamination solution that effectively neutralizes a variety of toxins that include methamphetamine, fentanyl, and carfentanil, leaving behind a non-toxic byproduct that has been rendered safe for disposal down the drain.

A triple wash is not enough! Decontamination is required to neutralize the contaminant as well as other toxic residues found in clandestine labs.

Crystal Clean consists of three separate compounds that when combined, serve to break the bonds between an opioid contaminant and the contaminated surface, making it easy to neutralize and remove these dangerous substances.  Part One consists of mild surfactants that help lift the pathogen off the surface.  Part Two is a mild oxidizer that breaks down the agent’s molecules into nontoxic particles.  Finally, Part Three speeds up the oxidation process allowing for a shorter dwell time.

Third party laboratory testing shows Crystal Clean is 100% effective! With no harmful byproducts created during the decontamination process.

Why choose between chemical neutralization and removal when you can do both?  Give us a call today to consult with professionals who are experienced in handling hazardous materials and who are familiar with the Crystal Clean decontamination formula, following all regulatory requirements to ensure that the decontamination is conducted safely and effectively.

Call 303.309.6309 or to learn more about remediation with Crystal Clean.

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