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Creating Cost-Effective and Powerful Emergency Response Solutions

Who We Are
Intelagard, Inc., a privately held company based in Colorado, was founded in 1991. Using advanced Compressed Air Foam technology, Intelagard’s first system was designed to protect high-risk properties from wildfires. For more than 30 years Intelagard has manufactured tactical, multipurpose compressed air foam solutions for first responders, military, homeland security and domestic preparedness personnel.

Award-Winning Systems
Intelagard owns numerous patents as a result of ongoing product evolution and has received multiple awards for innovation. The patented Enviroshield® technology produces a unique foam bubble structure that adheres to challenging surfaces much more effectively than water, setting the bar for next-generation CAFS technology. The Macaw® Backpack was chosen as the ‘new standard of Portable Fire Suppression equipment’ by the US Army after a nine-year down-select process. Intelagard’s multitasking CAFS provide a single resource for multiple missions.

Versatile and dependable
The Intelagard family of products is designed for rapid, multi-hazard response and provide cost-effective and powerful emergency response solutions. Economical and easy to operate and maintain, all Intelagard systems use commercially available foams and decontamination agents.

Best-in-Class Decontaminant Solutions
In 2006, Intelagard acquired Envirofoam Technologies, Inc. (EFT), the original licensee of Sandia National Laboratories’ DF200. This formula was developed for the US Department of Defense as a broad-spectrum decontaminant against chemical and biological agents. Intelagard markets this formula as EasyDECON® DF200, Crystal Clean® and Doff ‘N DECON™. Registered by the EPA, EasyDECON® DF200 has passed extensive testing by the US military and is being used today by numerous US federal and international government and military agencies.
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3101 Industrial Ln.
Ste. C.
Broomfield, CO 80020

8am to 5pm MST

Have More Questions?
Our Experts Are Standing By!

3101 Industrial Ln.
Ste. C.
Broomfield, CO 80020

8am to 5pm MST

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