How Facilities Can Stay Open During the Next COVID-19 Wave 

As we head into fall, many facilities and small businesses are looking for a return to normalcy. However, resuming operations during the COVID-19 pandemic may seem like a daunting task —especially with the new Delta variant on the rise. There’s a lot for organizations to consider as they remain open and aim to stay that… Continue reading How Facilities Can Stay Open During the Next COVID-19 Wave 

What’s That Smell?! Top Odor Offenders

As summer heats up, so does odor-causing bacteria. In fact, warmer weather often creates ideal conditions for bacteria growth and enzyme activity— meaning more odor. In humid climates, a foul stench can hang around even longer. Is it any surprise that demand for commercial strength odor solutions peak in the middle months? Rethink The Stink… Continue reading What’s That Smell?! Top Odor Offenders

Wildfire Preparedness. Is Your Prep Plan in Place?

Wildfire season is among us and it’s critical to be prepared with the right plans, tools and supplies. Given the COVID-19 challenges of this past year, connecting with your community to prepare will look a little different this year. Right now, is the perfect time to focus on getting your home wildfire ready while maintaining… Continue reading Wildfire Preparedness. Is Your Prep Plan in Place?

Keeping Your Home and Communities Safe in the WUI

Ready for Wildfire: Prepare and Protect Fire is, and always has been, a natural part of the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). However, as climate change continues to worsen, so do the length and size of wildfires. The prime reason? Longer, hotter summers. Higher temperatures have been linked to more frequent and severe wildfires and climate… Continue reading Keeping Your Home and Communities Safe in the WUI

Rethinking Fire Suppression Strategy in the Wildland Urban Interface

Close to 45 million homes currently reside within the wildland urban interface (WUI). With worsening weather patterns and extended drought conditions, wildland fires continue to be a rapidly growing threat year after year. The wildfires in California during 2020 are just one example of how we’re seeing fires evolve with frequency and intensity, while the… Continue reading Rethinking Fire Suppression Strategy in the Wildland Urban Interface

The Science of Killing Mold

Mold feeds on dirt and dust, and because of this it is practically impossible to eradicate it from a home or building. According to the EPA, if damp or wet building materials or furnishings are not cleaned and dried within 24 to 48 hours, the moisture can lead to mold growth. Additionally, mold is often… Continue reading The Science of Killing Mold

Mold Warning Signs

Molds are types of fungi that may grow indoors or outdoors, usually in warm, damp and humid environments. There are many kinds of mold, some of which are benign and of no concern to the homeowner. Others, however, can pose sometimes grave health hazards and may even cause structural damage to the home. Many people… Continue reading Mold Warning Signs

Understanding Mold

Mold is a type of fungus that is found just about everywhere and plays an important role in nature where it breaks down plant and animal matter. Molds thrive on moisture and reproduce by means of tiny, lightweight spores that travel through the air. Inhalation is the primary way that mold is introduced into the… Continue reading Understanding Mold

Cleaning AND Disinfecting – The EasyDECON DF-200 Advantage

Since early March, disinfection (cleaning) has been on everyone?s mind. As you walk into a supermarket there is the dutiful employee with a spray bottle anxious to retrieve the shopping cart so it may be ?cleaned? for the next customer. Immediately the attendant sprays the handle, they pull out a rag or paper towel and… Continue reading Cleaning AND Disinfecting – The EasyDECON DF-200 Advantage

Are You Afraid of What Lingers In The Dark? EasyDECON can protect you!

Let’s face it, we hate the dark – not because it is dark but rather because one of our most used senses, sight, is not at its best in the dark. Color disappears or is muted. Depth of vision is restricted because our ability to gather light from the surrounding area is diminished making it… Continue reading Are You Afraid of What Lingers In The Dark? EasyDECON can protect you!