Mahogany case for a fine silver flatware set. The owner was told it suffered too much soot damage and that they would not be able to restore the case. Doff ‘n DECON did the job in less than 3 minutes!

Has your home or business been affected by a fire? If so, your health could be at risk.

After the fire has been extinguished you will be dealing with the absorption of smoke in all porous surfaces, ceilings, walls, upholstery, clothes, and curtains, etc. Soot will also cover and stain large amounts of the property.  Not to mention that mold that will be growing because of the tremendous amounts of water required to extinguish the fire. 

During a fire not all materials burn cleanly, resulting in smoke and soot.  In terms of toxicity, structural fires create far more toxic smoke and soot than wilderness fires because of the many different materials within the flames.  Smoke and soot are a combination of solids, liquids, and gases which may be composed of various chemicals that are harmful to your health. The chemicals released in a fire are found in most furniture, mattresses, carpet, paint, etc. 

Smoke and soot can cause health issues, such as respiratory complications, bronchitis, itchy watery eyes, heart attack, stroke and even cancer. Soot is so tiny that it can easily penetrate one’s lungs and cause heart disease, asthma, bronchitis, and many other respiratory illnesses. Most of all, the real danger of smoke and soot is their tiny size, which allows them to travel several miles from their original combustion location, following a fire. According to the National Fire Protection Agency, these cancer-causing chemicals are the reason that firefighters are dying of cancer at an extremely high rate. “Cancer caused 66 percent of the career firefighter line-of-duty deaths from 2002 to 2019.”

Doff ‘n DECON™ was created to remove tough cancer-causing carcinogens, caused by soot and smoke, from the turnout gear worn by firefighters.  This decontamination formula can neutralize and remove the toughest odors and chemicals commonly found in household fires as well. Applying Doff ‘n DECON, through an Intelagard foam dispenser:

  • Suppresses contaminates from off-gassing; 
  • Neutralizes the toughest odors;
  • Maximizes dwell time required neutralize and removes cancer-causing contaminants;
  • Provides even coverage and a visual reference to ensure that all surfaces are coated, and nothing is missed during application.
  • Expands the liquid solution used 20:1 i.e., one gallon of mix will provide 20 gallons of finished foam

Use the formula trusted by firefighters.  Doff ‘n DECON is a nonchlorine-based formula that is inherently biodegradable.  Call 303.309.6309 today to learn how to protect yourself and restore your items from smoke and soot damage. 


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